Wix vs WordPress 7 Differences To Know For 2021

Evalyn Roy
11 min readApr 29, 2021


Trouble finding out which platform suits best to go on with your project?

Then find yourself lucky to be on the right side.

Oh yes! We have a perfect recipe to tackle this confusion of yours.

Nowadays, there are plenty of website platforms available on the internet, and defining your destiny of finding a reliable platform might become somewhat difficult or we’d say really staggering. And why shouldn’t it be, these two platforms are assumed to be the hotdogs of today’s market? If you’re not fresh in the web design domain, you might find it stiff enough to choose between Wix and WordPress and which among them is premier for your project.

We’ll cover all the pop-ups appearing on your mind in this post but first let’s go through Wix and WordPress which are the platforms but two distinctive things.

What are Wix and WordPress?

Wix, you might be aware of the name, is a website builder which is far trouble-free to make use of and proposes a lot more technical support. It is fast and fun to take hold of, hence it’s cooler for the kids. Meanwhile, WordPress, compared to Wix, is scalable and clamors for more know-how. It is a Content Management System that has more resemblance to windows. Amazing experiences can be done with it but has a little scale of truth related to such ideas which are unable to sustain.

Wix Vs WordPress: Differences you Must be Aware Of

For an in-detailed comparison of each platform, we’ve tried to amalgamate our prime website experience for our users upon some of the key areas of consideration. This is guided by an in-depth analysis of what we have found.

Ease of Use: Is Wix easier to use than WordPress?

Wix is assumed to be one of the best websites, easy to access and use.

Are you curious to find out why?

It’s because none of the software is required for installing before using it as everything done is edited by bringing the browser to use. For the beginners, Wix is all mouse-driven and wonderfully built-in as on adding upon more functions, there is an all-time available App market to let you add features, which is just one click away.

WordPress is not easily installed on the other hand as it asks for knee-high knowledge which too should be technical and expertise to go around with the tutorials. It becomes a bit of a concern when things go wrong and you’re unable to discover and fix it. WordPress always does its handy a manageable job to over into the Gutenberg update but it stands out of the way from remaining easy as the Wix.

Who is the winner?

Hence, in such a case, Wix is the clear cur winner!

Wix website builder is mapped out for friendliness and easy to be accessible in mind as fabricating a website is exceedingly easy.

Designs & Flexibility: Which one is more Flexible to use

In terms of configuring design and flexibility, Wix is accompanied with around 300 templates, which are free as well as efficient, smooth-running, with latter-day model and split up into categories like blogs, restaurants and photographers along with many more like a detached genre of mobile. This is also ideally exquisite for Google but at this point, you may need to do some bit of work like re-arranging the elements for example dragging and dropping the sites for making them appear better on your phone.

On the other hand with WordPress, if you’re aware of HTML and CSS and you never bother yourself spending some hours devising out what to do for modifying your template’s code, you might ultimately get the exact website you are yearning for, along with tons of reactive WordPress themes online. They usually cost between $30 & $60.

Who is the winner?

Hence, in the category of flexibility and designing, the game stands kind of draw. If you seek absolute mastery and are willing to tweak HTML and CSS code, then WordPress it is. For complete beginners, Wix is streets ahead for providing you with an opportunity of customizing a design.

Apps and Plugins: Who Has the Best Extras?

The App Market of Wix offers many of the suggestions which are sometimes free and sometimes paid, but they offer for almost over 250 apps, which can be computed or added up to your required site and this is just a few clicks away!

This also provides you with an opportunity of browsing different categories you like to get from marketing media.

Some of the apps are self-generated by Wix but majority are the third party developers. Many a times, the apps merge with the website of Wix but you don’t need to worry about the installation as Wix has everything under review. It ensure every third party access is under the guidelines provided, hence, you won’t see any apps in the market that haven’t been approved by the Wix team.

Any developer can bring WordPress in his use as it sustains an open source platform quality where any of the developer available can make use of fabricating a plug for his other user, either for purchasing or for downloading it free.

Over 50,000 WordPress Plugins are available at one’s fingertips hence, the tool you want can be easily accessible. On the contrary, for the creation of the WordPress plugin, there is no screening activity with easy-rich, hence, you may have to go through one or two chaffy ones for discovering what actually you need. Keep in mind, you’re never one click away from Googling ad finding out what are the user reviews which can navigate you out in an ethical regulation.

Who is the winner?

Hence, the game again is a tie!

Both the website platforms Wix and WordPress are great for plugins and have their own reasons. Everything needs to be gone through specific tests and superintended by private development team for ensuring good quality. Often with WordPress, the variety offered with plugins is unbeatable.

Ecommerce, an online source: What’s Better for Selling Online?

Have you ever noticed Wix’s online store section?

Yes, it’s all subtle and pleasant. It’s a place which allows you to sell your stock in a diversified payment option. However, it is suited far better for small business as the tax options and shipping is quite finite.

Many of the Wix’s paid plans, some come directly with commerce. For as low as $23/month, you’ll have all the tools you need to sell online, from basics like accepting online payments to extras like automated sales tax and currency conversion.

Although there are certain advanced features in Wix’s ecommerce but comparing it to the other staunch and committed website builders might not be a good idea. The plans on Wix are for the category of people who are eager to find platforms where they can sell very limited amount of products. Hence, Wix is not endorsed for full-blown online stores.

As long as the ecommerce of WordPress is concerned, the proficiency is far more advanced than Wix. What is required only, is the ecommerce specific plugin before selling anything. On this platform none of the problems are ever faced by anyone like Wix. That is provided, you use a third-party plugin of course, because otherwise there’s nothing out of the box. The WooCommerce Plugin is one of our favorite and if you pop it up, it will give you a good idea of what you can do with your online store, pretty everything with a custom code. The plus is that it’s free, but you do have to pay for extra features such as Authorize.net CC payment gateways for instance.

Who is the winner?

If you are an enthusiast about enhancing your eCommerce, WordPress is rock-like. Them WordPress it is!

SEO: Will it be shown on search engines?

On Wix, you are supplied with all the attributes which have a unique choice of headings, page title, and other advanced options compared to rest of the assumed best website builders, but it is better to remain cautious for this free plan does not authorize for any custom domain. This ultimately makes everything extra hard to rank in Search Engine Optimization.

The foremost problem which the Wix users face is loading of images. Even though the loading speed of this platform is largely dependable upon the images posted, but it can be made even more faster. Furthermore, the images appear knee-jerk as the name appears on the image by itself on uploading and provide with some vague names like d4cccb26731e9~mv2.png which must not put a good image upon the SEO websites like blogs and photography blogs. Also, you can customize blog posts URL, but not the whole thing so you sometimes end up with links like “wixsite.com/mysite/single-post/My-Blog-Post”.

Compared to Wix, WordPress is beseeched for SEO capabilities despite having low options. Yoast SEO, for instance, is free and a very powerful tool, and Google Analyticaor can also help with your Google Analytics integration.

Who is the winner?

In this case too, WordPress is able to offer more but on the condition of right plugins, Wix is still really good for most projects. hence, Wix is the winner this time!

Help and Support: Which Platform Will Have Your Back?

Wix is a great Helping Hand!

If you’re the part of Wix user platform and face problems while operating the website, contacting the in-house assistance of Wix is always easily accessible over a phone or you may contact them directly through emails from Monday to Thursday, 5am-5pm EST. Moreover, this facility Is available for direct support too. Other than these, there are many articles and tutorials uploaded for helping the users and are created by Wix Teams.

Hence, you might expect from Wix, a high quality, efficient and easy to access support system, which is easy to use, even the editor they have is easier which doesn’t even need any support system.

On WordPress, You’re on Your Own.

WordPress conversely appears a lot more personal when it comes to support system because of the pen source it has, the support provided is often less useful. Instead, taking help from the uploaded articles and the blogs might prove to be helpful.

If WordPress really fails to provide you proper guidance, then it is better to consult a skilled developer of this website who can modify your website again. Keeping in mind, this thing can get quite expensive for you. Hence, before going for a developer, it is worth looking to go for some online solutions or the options available through your hosting provider. For example, Bluehost provides customers with 24/7 access to in-house WordPress experts.


Wix offers a small page for blogging with some basic features like supporting articles including tagging. It also accounts for free media like videos, images and GIFs. Hence, Wix offers everything which you require while struggling with your basics for adding to your blogging site but despite this many offerings for the maintenance of your site, you’ll still want to look elsewhere if the blogging is the main event.

Apart from the other features, its commenting functionality is extremely limited. For your commenting, you might want to go for Facebook and other social media sites but this too doesn’t appear clean as it might attract the spammers.

WordPress on the other hand is better for building a blog site as it has roots in blogging since it’s a powerful CMS to begin with. It always offers you to publish endless blog contents to your site and offers every feature of blogging which Wix offers and every other attribute which is not suggested by Wix.

Some of the trademarks which WordPress offers include the capability of preceding the date of the bog post, featuring of single image on the top right corner of blog post and offers a private mode for making some of the posts invisible to the rest of the readers.

Hence, WordPress seems unconquerable in the domain of blogging, but this too has limitations. It is unable to offer one feature which is offered by Wix, it doesn’t have a free library of media which is ready to drop into the post. Instead of this, bloggers who do blogging on WordPress need to pinpoint their own copyright images online at sites like Pexels or Pixabay.

Who is the winner?

In the realm of blogging, WordPress is one step ahead of Wix, hence, WordPress is the winner! It offers features like featured images, private posts and commenting, making it a powerful option to avail.

Wix Vs WordPress, Our Final Thoughts

An ideal website builder always depends upon the website you need but if you want a powerful solution all along, going for WordPress is a reliable option to choose.

We’re not limiting you, reading the article and choosing yourself what suits you best still appears to be a good option.

Go for using Wix IF

You lack much technical experience in the creation of websites. If you don’t use Wix’s free plan — which comes with tacky advertisements — it will cost you between $14/month and $49/month.

Go for using WordPress If

if you’re a little more technoid and yearn for power and flexibility, choose WordPress but be heedful for you’ll be needing some coding knowledge for website maintenance. Costs vary, but generally, you’ll be looking at a flexible $0 — $200 setup fee with ongoing monthly costs in place after that.

To conclude, if you lack some technical resources which help you for maintaining a troubleshoot website, Wix is the best recommendation we can give. If you’re still unsure, try signing up for a free trial and taking Wix for a test drive.


Is Wix cheaper than WordPress?

Not usually as the costs vary a lot and depend on multiple factors. Wix is never free to use with the exception of some limited free version but WordPress is free of cost as it serves to be an open-source software from where various things can be downloaded by using the software for free. Wix on the contrary is closed source platform, giving no access to the files and charges monthly fee. For the websites which are smaller an simper the access to files doesn’t matter but fr the files which are for the complex business sites, the access must be critical which for majority of the sites, requires a lot of functionality. Hence, WordPress is cheaper as the 3rd party addons on Wix are more expensive.

Can I use WordPress with Wix?

Of course, you can. The combination of both of these platforms enables us to merge the functionality of platforms develops it into a whole like you may use Wix for running your home page while WordPress for powering and selling media photography store.

Is Wix or WordPress better?

WordPress is far better than Wix for the programmers who know how to use CSS or HTML. Hence, it provides an easy way of navigation but on the contrary, if you are lacking the knowledge of web developing background, Wix is the better option to go for.

How is WordPress different from Wix?

Wix and WordPress both provide tools for fully functioning websites which must be visually appealing. Wix assures ultra-compact solutions of website maintenance but t the same time it limits the users towards the usage of tools. WordPress on the contrary, offers unlimited options for growth. It’s up to you which website you choose but choosing Word Press is the best option.

Is Wix easier than WordPress?

Wix is easy to use because none of the softwares is required for installing before using it as everything done is edited by bringing the browser in use. For the beginners, Wix is all mouse-driven and wonderfully built-in as on adding upon more functions. WordPress is not easily installed on the other hand as it asks for a knee-high knowledge which too should be technical and expertise to go around with the tutorials. Hence, Wix website builder is mapped out for friendliness and easy to be accessible in mind as fabricating a website is exceedingly easy.

